In March 2020, COVID-19 changed the course of the world as we knew it. Our lives, livelihood, and nation were at risk.
The magnitude and speed of change was unprecedented. I’ve lived through economic bust of the 70’s with mortgage rates of 18%, the bubble, 9/11, and the Great Recession. They were all life changing. But this is different.
Time Warp
For me, it’s been a weird time warp. Before I know it, it’s Friday. But then again, the week seemed like a month. I even have to check the calendar to be sure what day it is.
Many have been displaced and now work from home. Personally, I have worked from home for the past seven years and we home school. Besides the isolation from friends and family, I can manage.
For those that find the new “work arrangement” challenging, check out these tips here, here and here.
Small Business
But what about my network of entrepreneurs? These times have been turbulent. Business owners were first forced into reaction mode as they focused on the crisis. Their mission: save jobs, manage cash flow, mitigate risk, and maintain client and customer relationships.
Thankfully, the smoke is beginning to clear.
Now what?
Now is the time to respond like never before. Depending on your industry, you might need to change products, services, or even your business model. Your customers, team, vendors andcommunity are counting on small business owners and leadership teams to lead us well through the uncertainty.
Historical Success Formulas
Most small business owners are visionaries. They dream it; they build it. Contributors to success include intuition, guts, and just plain hard work. During the past 10 years of economic growth, that was enough.
As we trek into uncharted territory, will this be enough? Is this the best we can do?
I don’t think so. The times require “different.”
I believe we will build it better.
Are you with me?